Guided walk and talk by Dr Rory Connolly.
Saturday 20th August @ 3pm.
Meeting at Strandhill Car Park.

Sligo Field Club invited Dr Rory Connolly (UCD) to speak to the club members on the PRISM Project and Shell Middens during its 2022 winter lecture series. This Heritage Week walk follows that lecture by bringing participants to look at middens in Shelly Valley, Strandhill.  The PRISM Project (Preservation by Record of Ireland’s Shell Middens) is a citizen science participatory mapping scheme initiated by researchers from University College Dublin and University College Cork. The project is developing digital mapping tools which will help volunteer citizen scientists to record observations about the impacts of climate change and human activities on coastal shell middens in their community.

The event entails a walk on uneven terrain to the Shelly Valley middens, Strandhill. Sturdy footwear and appropriate clothing for the Irish summer should be worn.

For more information, see:
